Mind, your own business.

Please, don’t rush over these words and pages,
but risk to slow down.

We don’t need to get somewhere, change anything, but simply dis-cover what never cannot be.
Love, Beauty, Intelligence.

In essence we are always whole and complete,
right here and N❤️W.

Ya but…
What I think and feel myself to be – me –, are thoughts and feelings, mind-content.

Mental images…
this world of name and form constantly changes.
Even mountains flow, if you zoom out far enough.

What do I really want?
What is available for me, in this life?

When is enough enough?
Spirituality can easily become a trap, an avoi-dance, a habitual pain-killer instead of addressing the root of a subtle lifelong misunderstanding.

Thinking allowed, thinking aloud
Language is dualistic, separates into me and you, this and that, past and future.

Words can be powerful, to guide attention back to its Source, here and now.

Instead of rushing over words, the invitation here is to relax and dis-cover the inner space from where the words come and go.

The edge of darkness is the edge of light
We tend to (unknowingly) hold onto the me-belief and the me-feeling for dear life. It takes a little bravery to trust and to discover that it is safe to inquire, to examine, to take a fresh look:

What am I?
What is this ‘me’ on whose behalf I suffer or struggle… always hungry for more.

Conceptual or experientially
Mind and speech are powerful;
but can I discern ideas/beliefs from reality?


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