Category: Glossary

  • Is love a state of being?

    Is love a state of being?

    H: Is love a state of being? Yes, love is often described as a state of being rather than simply an emotion or feeling. This perspective on love emphasizes its fundamental nature as an ongoing, internal condition rather than a transient emotional response. Key aspects of love as a state of being include:

    1. Unconditional nature: Love is seen as an unconditional state that persists regardless of external circumstances or temporary emotions.
    2. Openness and readiness: It’s characterized by an openness towards life and a readiness for profound connections.
    3. Freedom from delusion: Love is described as a mind free of active delusions, resulting in clarity, wisdom, and groundedness in the present moment.
    4. Internal orientation: Rather than being centered on external objects or people, love as a state of being is centered within the individual.
    5. Constant presence: Unlike fleeting emotions, this state of love is considered to be ever-present, forming a baseline experience through which one moves through the world.
    6. Self-connection: A crucial aspect of love as a state of being is the relationship with oneself, emphasizing self-love and self-acceptance.

    This view of love aligns with spiritual and philosophical perspectives that see love as our natural state of being, transcending mere emotion and encompassing a way of existing in and perceiving the world.

  • What is Love?

    What is Love?


    Love is not a sentiment or feeling, but a true self and effortless being. It is considered to be the same as peace, freedom, and beauty. Love is the recognition of one reality and one consciousness.

    Here are some additional details about love from the sources:

    Love is a state of being. Love is described as an effortless presence and a silent stillness. It is the heart of silence and the aliveness of awareness. Love is causeless, not dependent on the body, mind, or relationships.

    Love is connected to understanding. Love is the understanding of the self and the understanding about what ‘I’ truly means. It is the understanding of one’s true nature and the understanding about the nature of being.

    Love is the absence of separation. Love is the recognition of oneself in others. It is the understanding that there is only one reality. In love, we are one.

    Love is a natural state. Love as the current that carries, nourishes, and feeds. It is a natural state of being that does not require effort. Love is a state of complete relaxation and resting in the unknown.

    Love is beyond the mind. Love is beyond words and mind. It is Presence that is not dependent on a body or mind. Love is discovered when the mind is quiet and still. Love is not a mental process or interpretation.

    Love is the true nature of reality. Love is the essence of the ocean, the sun, and gold. It is the essence of everything perceived. Love is also the source of all manifestation and is present in all forms.

    Love is available. Love is always available in the present moment. It is the space that embraces everything. Love is available through being open and vulnerable.

    Living in love. To live in love is to not be a person, but love itself expressing itself. It is about being kind, gentle, and contemplative. To live in love is to live in freedom from the illusion of separation and the me-belief.

    In summary, love is not just an emotion, but rather a state of being, a deep understanding, a recognition of oneness, and the true nature of reality. It is available in the present moment and is revealed through the absence of separation, effortlessness, and a quiet mind.

    50 Magdi Meditations 2024-11-24 to 06-15-2024

    H: thinking is a tool. When I mistake myself to be the tool, to be some-thing or some-one, I build my house on sand. My seeming safety, peace and fulfillment becomes dependent on circumstances.